BADD-D 2024 (Business Analyst Development Day)

Future Strong: The Ultimate Business Analysis Conference - Empowering Your Career for the New Frontiers in Analysis

Step into the future of business analysis at our groundbreaking conference! Join us for an electrifying journey where innovation meets expertise, and the possibilities are limitless. Our Business Analysis conference isn't just about enhancing your career—it's about catapulting it into the stratosphere. Dive deep into the cutting-edge strategies and methodologies that are reshaping the landscape of business analysis. Discover the new horizons business analysis is venturing into, and seize the opportunity to be at the forefront of this evolution. With a spotlight on leveraging AI in business analysis, you'll unlock the secrets to harnessing the power of technology to drive unprecedented insights and outcomes. Don't just adapt to change—lead it. Elevate your skills, expand your network, and ignite your passion for innovation. The future of business analysis starts here—will you be a part of it?

Exciting Conference Features

  • 8 symposium sessions from industry-leading Business Analysis experts

  • Open networking online to interact with other attendees

  • Meet with local Phoenix Chapter leaders to discuss certification, membership, and other topics

  • Sessions are recorded and will be available for download after the conference.

  • A conference attendee page is provided to download materials during and after the conference

Conference Agenda

All times listed are Phoenix Time.

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Virtual Online Conference

This conference uses Welo or Zoom. A link to the event will be emailed to you prior to the event.

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IIBA Members

Ensure that each registration quantity remains at 1. If registering multiple attendees, click the registration button for each individual attendee.


Access to Online sessions. Materials and session recordings are included and available for download.




Access to Online sessions. Materials and session recordings are included and available for download.


Ensure that each registration quantity remains at 1. If registering multiple attendees, click the registration button for each individual attendee.


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Frequently Asked Questions

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  • 10+ Attendees = 10% Discount
    Use the code GROUP10 at checkout. Your order must total at least $1,290 with 10 attendees or more.

    3 – 9 Attendees = 5% discount
    Use the code GROUP05 at checkout. Your order must total at least $387 with 3 attendees or more.

  • Click here to email a list of names and email addresses for all attendees. Please let us know if the attendee is an IIBA Member.

    Customer service will email an invoice with the group discount (if applicable). Mail a check to the remittance address on the invoice. Payment is required prior to the event.

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  • We will need to invoice you for purchase orders.

    Click here to email us a list of attendees names and email addresses. Please provide the purchase order number in the email.

    We will send you an invoice that shows the group discount applied (if applicable).

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Kit Whelchlin
Keynote Speaker

The Power of Change: Are You Surviving or Thriving?

8:10 am - 9:10 am (Phoenix Time)

Meet the Challenge and Manage the Change! Change is becoming the norm and to resist it can ruin your career. The world rewards those who catch on to what’s happening; those who invest energy in finding and seizing the opportunities brought by change. You will learn:

  • the three key drivers of change

  • the difference between change and transition

  • the thirteen guidelines for managing radical change

  • the thirteen big mistakes in managing the transition


Session Times
(Phoenix Time)

Transformational Analysis

AI Requirements Engineering

9:40 am - 10:40 am

  • Presented by Clinton Ages

    You've heard of Six Sigma, right? Well meet Human Sigma. While Six Sigma targets process improvement and efficiency, HumanSigma extends the concept by acknowledging the importance of human factors in achieving organizational success.

    This session explores how to apply HumanSigma practices when working with technology project Stakeholders. It covers the skills and techniques required to successfully construct a HumanSigma approach for interacting with Stakeholders.

    Following a HumanSigma approach improves the quality of human interaction. It focuses on engaging and leveraging people’s emotional satisfaction to better support business objectives resulting in more valuable business solutions. This results in better communication and better project outcomes.


    By the end of the session, participants will have the knowledge and skills to:

    - Explain HumanSigma in their own words

    - Describe how HumanSigma can be used during their interactions with project team members

    - Incorporate the philosophy of HumanSigma into their personal work attitudes

    - Demonstrate how to construct a HumanSigma approach in preparation for Stakeholder interactions

  • Presented by Mark Hunt

    Rather than a deep dive into a particular AI tool or mantra, this presentation provides participants with a history of AI and and introduction to many of the terms and definitions used so they can understand more about this rapidly changing world. It also gives attendees comparisons of the more popular AI tools in use today along some of their pros and cons. Participants will also get a list of various AI tools that can be used to perform tasks such as text-to-image generation, scheduling, mind mapping and more.


    A history of AI and AI terminology

    Companies who are using AI today and for what

    Comparisons of the major AI tools in use today (Gemini, ChatGPT, etc.)

10:50 am - 11:50 am

  • Presented by Mindy Bohannon

    "A Late Bloomer’s Guide to GenAI: Ethics, Bias, and Effective Prompting Techniques" navigates the complex terrain of artificial intelligence ethics and bias, offering invaluable insights for both newcomers and seasoned practitioners. With meticulous detail, it explores the ethical considerations inherent in AI development and usage, shedding light on the implications of biased algorithms. Through a pragmatic lens, the guide introduces effective prompting techniques, empowering readers to mitigate biases and foster more ethical AI systems. It serves as a comprehensive roadmap for those seeking to navigate the ethical challenges of AI, offering practical strategies to promote fairness and accountability in the field.

  • Presented by Frank Kowalkowski

    The 21st century has brought about several emerging analysis capabilities an analyst should be aware of and

    have some working knowledge of their use. A business analyst today needs a broader and more accurate focus

    that identifies the impacts of decisions that are part of problem solving and opportunity evaluation. Ensemble

    analytics coupled with the hybrid use of both objective and subjective analytics provide such an accurate

    picture of the likelihood of success in achieving strategic and operational capabilities. Asymmetric competitive

    advantage means; Your organization has something the competition lacks, better analysis due to contextual

    factors. This approach is the mark of a 21st century business analyst.


    • How to link subjective and objective analytics

    • What analytics link together making an ensemble

    • How to orchestrate an ensemble with a workflow

    • How to interpret the results of the analytics

    • What tools are used for this type of analysis

1:10 pm - 2:10 pm

  • Presented by Christy Foley

    Conflict in the workplace is inevitable. That's why managers need to know how to identify conflict appropriately and navigate it effectively if they want their team to work productively. After all, a conflict-free workplace is a productive workplace!


    Identify early signs of conflict;

    Gain the confidence to handle conflict; and

    Techniques for successfully resolving conflict

  • Presented by Paul Crosby

    Unlock the potential of AI-driven business analysis and dive into the world of AI as you learn to master the art of requirements engineering for eliciting, modeling, and analyzing requirements like never before. Join us on a journey where you'll discover how the power of NLP, ML, Generative AI, and Sentiment Analysis in revolutionizing the way you approach business analysis.


    Understand how the BA fits into the world of AI - It’s more than prompting

    Understand key concepts of requirements engineering with AI

    Take back to the office sample prompts for all areas of requirements analysis

2:20 pm - 3:20 pm

  • Presented by Trent Leopold

    "This is an educational and fun presentation showcasing how strategic psychometrics and associated techniques rooted in current neuroscience research findings directly relate to strategic Business Analysis. Each attendee receives takeaway material including tools and techniques for their immediate use in advancing their individual professional practice.

    The presentation is for Business Analysis practitioners at all levels of experience (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced), and other related practitioners including Project Managers and Product Managers. The presentation is also suited for anyone seeking ways to be more strategic in their operation or organization. The fun presentation includes attendee participation, and at least two valuable individual giveaways in addition to the invaluable takeaways for every attendee!"


    Brain function and its direct application to strategic Business Analysis

    Techniques for enhancing cognitive strategy and strategic brain function

    Tips for enhancing overall brain health

  • Presented by Len Marchese

    Business Analysts (BAs) are evolving from traditional roles into strategic partners in innovation. This

    presentation introduces a framework for BAs to lead Opportunity-Based Innovation™ across their

    organizations. It outlines a systematic approach for recognizing, validating, and responding to

    opportunities with solutions that drive value, growth, and competitive advantage.

    Participants will evaluate their innovation efforts, reflecting on past challenges such as addressing the

    wrong problems, relying on subjective information, and lacking success certainty. Skill requirements for

    innovation will be discussed, emphasizing how BAs can reframe their roles to lead Opportunity-Based Innovation™ effectively.


    • The BA’s evolving role in driving innovation.

    • A proven value-based innovation process.

    • A patented ideation and solutioning method.

    • Leveraging dialogue and analytics for progress.

    • Transitioning from static insight to dynamic foresight.

Business Analysis Leadership

  • Presented by Daniel Fay

    In this presentation, Dan provides a framework for success in leading your business analysis team. This includes Personal Leadership, Team Leadership and Business/Organizational Leadership. Participants walk away with a list of immediate actions to apply on their jobs, strengthening their leadership approach.


    - How to strengthen your personal leadership attributes

    - How to be a servant leader, motivate your team

    - Understand your role as an organizational leader"

  • Presented by Joe Perzel

    Most projects require at least 2 project professionals – the Business Analyst and the Project Manager. When working together they can be a great force for delivering a great outcome. When there is disagreement on leadership, direction, priorities and/or approach, the project suffers. This session will discuss the occasional situations where conflict arises between a Business Analyst and the Project Manager and how to navigate them successfully for that great project outcome.


    The major points to be covered include:

    The typical conflict points, and best practices in Conflict Resolution

    Communication keys and why they are so important

    How to create a lasting bond

    Tips and Hints for multiple scenarios, including when and how to negotiate with your partner

  • Presented by Billy Giannouloudis

    We're finding more and more when it comes to business and employees that stress plays a major factor in the results we receive. Both in the workplace and outside the workplace

    Allowing a time for individuals to focus on themselves and learn how to destress at a deeper level allows to them to show up for work, business, and life at a higher level.

    Mixture of information and audience interaction. Goal of the presentation is to teach individuals how to use the mind the way we were always meant to. As a tool to help us move forward in life rather than a hinderance. Presentation addresses the 3 areas we all have control over and dictate our mindset but usually forget about: Thoughts, Words, Actions. Teaching audience members how to direct all 3 areas so they can begin to harness their mind and use it to help them in every areas of life.

    When we don't harness these areas, our life tends to fall into disarray and stress which then impacts our output in the business setting.


    -how to shift themselves out of a stressful state when needed

    -how powerful their mind truly is to create their life circumstances and reality

    -how to shift the areas we have full control over so we can begin to live life on our own terms

    -how powerful our emotions truly are and how they create the state we live from at any given moment

    -how to show up in a greater emotional state which impacts the results we receive in the workplace and outside the workplace

  • Presented by John Kennedy

    This presentation combines John’s approach to mental efficiency (as a follow-up to his presentation last year at BADD-D 2023), personal efficiency (change any habit in 30 minutes not 30 days) and operational efficiency (a new way to view and streamline processes in your life at home and work).


Clinton Ages
Unlocking Human Sigma: A Thrilling Dive into Next-Level Stakeholder Management!

Amateur Gourmet Chef Coach Clinton Ages has a passion for food and for high performance. As a ICF (International Coaching Federation) Certified Professional Coach, Clinton leverages his experience in Organizational Behavior and Change Management to optimize and drive delivery. He obtained his Masters from Georgia Tech in Management of Technology and his Bachelors from Georgia State University in Computer Information Systems. When Clinton isn’t driving performance, he can be found at home looking for any excuse to use power tools for a DIY home project or working in the yard.

Paul Crosby
Your AI Buddy: Business Analysts in the AI Ecosystem

Meet Paul Crosby of The Uncommon League. Paul doubles as a full-time instructor and product manager, imparting practical advice on artificial intelligence and business analysis, Project Management, Scrum, Product Management, and Strategic Enterprise Analysis. Paul isn't your run-of-the-mill consultant, folks. He’s also the brains behind four books: “Fail Fast Fail Safe - Harnessing Failure to Succeed”, “The Uncommon Book of Analysis Techniques”, “7 Powerful Analysis Techniques”, and the bright shiny new “Positive Conflict - Transform Discord into Collaboration and Innovation”. His thought-provoking insights have been showcased at events across North America and Europe, including BA World, Project World, Building Business Capabilities, Government Symposiums, IIBA conferences, and many more. And if that wasn't enough, Paul is also a board member of the Sing Your Life - Uncommon Foundation. Under his guidance, the foundation has partnered with TechFluent, Women in Technology, and a host of other organizations to promote Business Analysis, Agile, Product Management, and Project Management skills to new audiences. His mission? To catapult talented individuals into rewarding technology and analysis careers.

Mindy Bohannon
A Late Bloomer’s Guide to GenAI: Ethics, Bias, and Effective Prompting Techniques

Mindy thrives as an Agile Business Analyst. She relishes solving business problems, developing solutions that drive the business forward, and relating to others with collaboration, trust, and humanity. Mindy began her career journey as a database developer; and is now a BA and Scrum Master, working on application modernization projects. She’s spoken on agile, analyst, and professional development topics at many local and national conferences over the years. Equally, she encourages others to share their knowledge as the President of her local IIBA DC chapter.

Daniel Fay
Elevate to Empower: Unleashing Personal Leadership, Servant Leadership Mastery, and Organizational Impact

Daniel Fay, PMI-PBA provides a dynamic approach to his training and presentations. Dan is not theoretical, with over 30 years experience, Dan shares his knowledge and lessons learned across the IT and Aviation industries. Dan has:
• consulted literally world-wide in project management and business analysis
• supported over 6000 managers in business analysis, project management and leadership
• been an invited speaker at international management and leadership symposiums including Project Summit/Business Analysis World, and IIBA and PMI Chapters, including many virtual presentations and webinars
• led projects for teams from 3 to over 300 members
• assisted over 1000 Managers in obtaining their PM and PMI-PBA certifications
• assisted organizations in getting to their ‘New Normal’

Christy Foley
Conflict Mastery: Building Confidence, and Mastering Resolution Techniques

Christy L. Foley is an attorney, mediator, and arbitrator who has dedicated her professional career to teaching others about conflict resolution, mediation ethics, and e-mediation techniques. As a teacher at heart, she loves teaching groups how to create peace in their workplace. Christy is considered a leader in the field of conflict resolution. She was a pioneer in e-mediation, having started E-Mediation Services in 2018. She has also served as Chairwoman of Florida's Mediator Ethics & Advisory Committee ("MEAC") since 2018. Moreover, she serves as an officer in the Alternative Dispute Resolution Section of the Florida Bar. Her professional experience has given her the skills necessary to be an effective and dynamic speaker, regardless of whether she is presenting online or in-person. Christy's presentations are particularly unique because she finds ways to get the audience involved in a conversation to ensure people stay engaged throughout the entire presentation (even in groups of 1,000+ people). Christy has spoken in front of local, statewide, and nationwide audiences - both in-person and through virtual conferences. She is repeatedly asked to come back and present again for many organizations, such as the Florida Bar, Florida Dispute Resolution Center, Jacksonville Bar Association, and Full Sail University. In 2010, Christy's popular presentation style led her to teaching in higher education. She currently serves as a Lecturer at the University of Central Florida.

Billy Giannouloudis
Tapping into a Growth Mindset for Confident Life Change

Billy G. is an empowering professional speaker and coach helping people truly shift themselves from limitation to achievement. He utilizes many different mindset and self improvement practices to help individuals overcome barriers in the areas of mental health, stress management, confidence, and the belief systems we choose to stand on. Having spoken at many different events and holding workshops at these events, Billy has created a sought after name for individuals, companies, and schools. As he always says "Helping people is the name of the game. Help more people and life gets better and better.

Mark Hunt
IT's All About AI

Mark has worked in many facets of Information Technology for over 25 years-- as a Business Analyst, Project Manager, Program Manager, QA Analyst, SME and Change Agent. He has also worked in varied areas such as healthcare, insurance, manufacturing, agriculture and more.  He has spoken at many clients and at several IIBA chapters and Professional Development Days such as Minneapolis, Saskatchewan and Winnipeg.  Mark engages his audience with topical and informative subjects with humor and keeping the participants involved and engaged.

John Kennedy
The Power to Create Time

John has been speaking at conferences for many years including PM, business, sports, military and Medical. John is a #1 International Bestselling Author, Master Executive Brain Coach, International Speaker, Trainer and Process Efficiency Consultant. Early in his life John realized that what excited him was “solving the unsolvable”. From building the first handheld energy efficiency assessment computer in the 70’s, to helping growing companies innovate using technology, to solving critical problems for some of Chicago’s largest businesses as a project rescue specialist, John looked for new challenges. In 2007 he was presented with his biggest challenge when the US Marines contracted him to develop a program to improve Warfighting and reduce casualties in combat, the toughest of all environments. In response he pioneered the field of Applied Neuroplasticity. This innovative application of his highly effective process efficiency methodology to the brain using neuroplasticity as the medium was extremely successful. The resulting Combat Brain Training program has helped thousands of people rapidly improve their focus, memory and faster, better decision making under stress, regardless of starting cognitive baseline. After supporting many elite military units including pilots, Snipers and Navy SEAL's, John brought his program to the civilian environment. John now combines his extensive efficiency consulting background with his proprietary Combat Brain Training program to help leaders, teams and companies exceed their performance expectations very quickly. creating unparalleled results

Frank Kowalkowski
New Horizons in Business Analysis: Ensemble Analytics for Competitive Advantage

Frank Kowalkowski is President of Knowledge Consultants, Inc., a firm focusing on business performance, business analysis, data science, business intelligence, artificial intelligence, and statistical techniques across industries. More recently Frank has been involved in conducting workshops, professional training sessions, and assessments of business structures and transformation, data science, and analytics for process management efforts. He is the author of a 1996 book on Enterprise Analysis. His most recent publications are a featured chapter in the business book Digital Transformation with BPM.  His chapter is titled “Improve, Automate, Digitize”, he also has a chapter in the business architecture book titled Business and Dynamic Change and a chapter on semantic process analytics in the book Passports to Success in BPM, and most recently a key chapter titled Intelligent Automation and Intelligent Analytics in the 2020 book Intelligent Automation. 

Trent Leopold
Psychometrics for Strategic Business Analysis

Trent Leopold is an active, professional Sr. Business Analyst with more than 25 years of experience in the private and public sectors. His focus is on discoveries and research concerning the human mind and how these discoveries directly apply to Business Analysis.  He is a longitudinal research participant with a major U.S. university in an international neuroscience project exploring human brain function.  Leopold's experience includes serving as an advisor to two U.S. Presidents, a U.S Vice-President and two Texas Governors. Trent is an active member of the "IIBA" and "PMI," and serves to establish Business Analysis standards. He is an “IEEE” officer, involved with creating international professional standards including those endorsed by the "ISO" most recently pertaining to AI governance. Leopold received a lifetime achievement award from "Who's Who."  Trent’s education includes a MSc. degree in Managerial Science and he's a licensed airplane pilot.

Len Marchese
The BA's Role in Leading Opportunity-Based Innovation

This presentation highlights the transformative potential of integrating a process, dialogue, and analysis to identify and validate opportunities. It underscores the pivotal role BAs can play in driving organizational transformation from lagging to leading.

Joe Perzel
The BA/PM Conundrum

Joe Perzel has been defining requirements, leading projects of all sizes and managing staffs since 1982 in both a corporate and vendor capacity.  He has a background in multiple industries such as healthcare, insurance, finance, government, manufacturing, non-profit and education.  Presently Joe is President of the Minnesota Chapter of IIBA, partner at JPerzel Inc. as well as Program Manager at Surescripts LLC.  Previously he has held leadership positions at Cargill, Thomson Reuters, MN Workers Compensation Bureau, International Multifoods and PMI Minnesota. Joe has been speaking since 2002 on topics ranging from leadership, management/strategy, negotiations/sales.  He has presented keynotes, chapter meetings and workshops internationally to multiple corporate, government and non-profit organizations, BBC (Building Business Capability) conference, IIBA chapters, PMBA Conferences, PMI Global and Region 2, over 20 PMI chapters, local and global Society for Quality (ASQ), International Project Management Assoc. (IPMA) and the PMO Impact Summit. 

Kit Whelchlin
Keynote Speaker - The Power of Change: Are You Serving or Thriving?

Kit grew up on a hog and dairy farm and began public speaking at the age of 9 in 4-H. By 16, he was organizing and facilitating presentations on leadership, citizenship, community service and motivation for the 4-H and Future Farmers of America. Kit has a B.S. Degree in Speech Communication, Business Administration and Political Science. He earned an M.A. Degree in Speech Communication and Business Administration.

Kit purchased his first manufacturing company at age 21, and by 26 was CEO and Chairman of the Board of three manufacturing companies in three states. He’s been an instructor with the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, where he received the Excellence in Teaching Award. He is a Professional Member of the National Speakers Association and earned the CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) designation. He has delivered more than 3,000 presentations to more than 500,000 people. In 2014, Kit was inducted into the Minnesota Speakers Association Hall of Fame.

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  • Yes. Attendees are muted when they join the session. You can unmute yourself or use the chat window to ask the speaker questions.

  • Yes. All sessions are recorded. Please note there are restrictions on certain types of copyright materials that might prevent us from proving a session recording to you.

  • Recorded sessions are available on the conference attendee page. A link to the conference attendee page can be found in the registration confirmation email.

  • Yes. When you purchase a ticket to the conference, you will be provided a link to the attendee webpage. This page allows you to download session recordings and materials. Materials are available a few days prior to the start of the conference. Sessions recordings are available 3-5 days after the conference.

  • Links for all sessions are displayed on the conference attendee site. Click the JOIN NOW button to join a session.

    Your registration confirmation email contains a link to the conference attendee site.

  • Yes. You can switch between sessions or workshops at anytime. Open the conference attendee site and choose the session you wish to join.

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  • Yes. You can dial into sessions. Information on how to join a session with your phone is located on the conference attendee site. We recommend using the computer audio. For attendees with bandwidth problems, join the meeting WITHOUT computer audio and then dial into the session.

    Note: If the presenter or instructor creates breakouts rooms, you might find your audio being connected to one room and your video connected to a different room. Return to the main room to ask the presenter or instructor to put your video and audio together in the same breakout group.